
Soda Pop Summers

Soda Pop Summers

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Houston summers are, at times, unbearable. The humidity takes a toll on your breathing, walking to and from your vehicle allows enough time for you to be completely drenched in your sweet, sweet boob sweat, and as the sun starts to set, at the ungodly hour of 8, there is an almost audible sigh of relief that sweeps the whole city, for we have once again been spared a few hours without the sun once more. Though it’s quite unbearable, it’s truly one of our favorite times of the year! The unrelenting heat has the power to bring people together, and in turn it gives us even more of an excuse to grab a beer and hang out with our favorite people, by a pool, a bar or a bbq, all while simultaneously complaining about how it’s hotter than satan’s ass. Yet when it comes to summer style, somewhere down the line we choose to toss the rules right out the fucking window, and instead roll with the sweat-bared punches. Refusing to give up on our signature dark denim, and vintage clothes for more breathable options, we proudly don our version of summer staples with some refreshing soda pop and no fucks to give. 

Talk soon, 

Bree & Mel

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Summer Goals

Summer Goals

Summer Loving: Sarah and Jeremy

Summer Loving: Sarah and Jeremy